Scrambled Tofu

This high-protein dish is quick to prepare, especially if you keep some chopped up veggies ready to just throw into the pan. Easy to prepare before work or school and ... more

Scrambled Phyto-fu

This recipe is a great way to get a big portion of phytoestrogens from soy as well as the beneficial allyl sulfides from the onion and garlic. Turmeric and the ... more

Red Ginger Zinger

Delicious hot or cold, this is sure to boost your energy while warding off colds and flues. Avoid licorice if you have high blood pressure. Red raspberry is a tonic for ... more

Quinoa and Millet with Dates & Almonds

These two grains are rich in calcium and magnesium, which provide a great bone-building recipe. Unlike most other grains, quinoa is higher in minerals and is a source of good-quality ... more

Quinoa Tabouleh

High in protein, quinoa is a nice alternative to couscous. Tabouleh is great as a snack or served with a bean soup or hummus.

“Open Sesame” Sweet Potatoes

Goes well with Miso Gravy and is a great accompaniment to the Very Veggie Burgers.  Sweet potatoes are high in antioxidants.

Natural Cold & Flu Remedy

Here is an potent herbal formula ~ with zesty, spicy flavours ~ that offer relief from cold & flu symptoms, and is a natural antibiotic. Make this easy recipe in ... more

Mung Beans and Rice

A staple in our house, this is a variation of a traditional Indian dish known as kicheree. Easily digested, it is great as a mono diet for a month at ... more

Moroccan Stew

The flavour is phenomenal, it’s a quick and easy meal and it makes a great big pot full of hearty stew to tame the chills.

Miso Gravy

Goes well with “Open Sesame” Sweet Potatoes and is a great accompaniment to the Very Veggie Burgers. Contains a lot of isoflavones to protect you from beast cancer.