10 Minutes a Month

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxkeIwPyZgA Andrea is one of many women who believe that her hands have saved her life. Five and half years ago, she found a lump in her breast — a lump ... more
Mind-body practices are powerful components of a healing program. Such practices include lifestyle changes, breathing practices, yoga, meditation, relaxation, visualization, exercise, tai chi, cognitive re-patterning, music therapy, chanting and psycho-spiritual work. Have a look at the sections below to learn how you can incorporate and benefit from mind-body practices as part of your healing journey.
Mind-Body Medicine uses awareness, relaxation, concentration, and intentional redirection of thoughts and emotions (words, images, feelings) to influence physical health. The natural healing capacity within us is our most powerful ally in becoming and staying well. Our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and attitudes, conscious and unconscious, affect the physical body positively or negatively. Thankfully we have the capacity to choose which of these to focus on and nurture. When we are in healing mode, it is our responsibility to be aware of what our minds are doing, and to shift focus to positive mental-emotional states. This can be difficult when confronted with pain or fear.
Mind-Body practices such as exercise, yoga and breathing techniques help us to make this shift easier. There is a reciprocal relationship between body and mind – as we think and feel, so we become.
A certain set of mental-emotional patterns were in place when you became ill. In a sense, then, you need to become a “different person” to be well.
“The brain and peripheral nervous system, the endocrine and immune systems, and indeed, all the organs of our body and all the emotional responses we have, share a common chemical language and are constantly communicating with one another.”
– Dr. James Gordon, Mind-Body specialist, Harvard psychiatrist, founder/director of the Center for Mind-Body Medicine
Our mental-emotional patterns are embedded throughout the body. Our thoughts, consisting of words, images, body sensations and emotional feelings, are translated into the common chemical language of the:
Together, these thoughts, chemicals and systems inform our health. They act together as one integrated communication system throughout the body. Our neurotransmitters talk to our hormones and immune system; our hormones influence neurotransmitters and white blood cells; and our white blood cells and cytokines communicate with our neurotransmitters and hormones.
There are many predisposing conditions that make us more vulnerable to cancer. The good news is that many of these conditions can be addressed. Which are true for you and what can you do about it? How might you seek help?
[i] De la Fuente M. Crosstalk between the nervous and the immune systems in health and sickness. Curr Pharm Des. 2014;20(29):4605-7
Various Mind-Body therapies are available to accelerate the healing process and help us to live with acceptance, calm, inner peace and renewed vitality. Find professionals who can work with you in the following areas, or explore them on your own.
Certain attitudes promote healing. These are attitudes that are worth cultivating regardless of our state of health or disease. They are a good measuring stick for what is most important.
If you have been diagnosed with cancer, use this time as an opportunity for transformation. Take risks. Challenge yourself. Say “no” more often. Find yourself.
Ask yourself – and write down the answers to these questions:
Mind-Body Medicine incorporates daily practices to retrain the mind-body, so it can express itself differently and lean towards exceptional well-being. These are the key practices in a mind-body medicine program:
If you would like support to incorporate Mind-Body Medicine as part of your healing, join us in a Healthy Breast Foundations Program and/or the Healthy Breast Yoga Program.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxkeIwPyZgA Andrea is one of many women who believe that her hands have saved her life. Five and half years ago, she found a lump in her breast — a lump ... more
Three bowel movements a day is ideal for dispelling toxins, and this daily, natural detox process is vital to keeping many diseases, including breast cancer, at bay. Maybe you don’t ... more
Sat Dharam Kaur, N.D., author of "The Complete Natural Medicine Guide to Breast Cancer" interviews Shinzen Young, author of "Break Through Pain" and "The Science of Enlightenment" audio series - ... more
In these videos, Shinzen Young shares that "Creating Positive Feel" is an additional technique to "Finding Positive Feel". He then describes how to create positive feel by briefly and intentionally ... more
In May, 2013, actress Angelina Jolie revealed that she had chosen to have a double mastectomy and breast reconstruction to reduce her chances of breast cancer. A difficult decision, and one she did not ... more
Now that the myth that "mammographic screening prevents breast cancer deaths" has been debunked, what are our choices for breast cancer screening? If you didn't see it, the results of the ... more
Breast massage is a therapeutic combination of Swedish massage and lymphatic drainage aimed to promote the circulation and drainage of your breast tissue. It can be applied either by yourself ... more
What is Lymphedema? Lymphedema is a chronic condition of local fluid retention caused by damage to the lymphatic system, commonly seen after breast cancer surgery or radiation. As part of surgery ... more
The following practices can improve your lymphatic circulation, whether you have lymphedema or not. They will also help to prevent it. Think about how you can incorporate these into your ... more
Did you know that the natural bounce of your breasts is the main method of drainage for your breast tissue? We live in a culture that trains us at a young ... more
"...the wind hums low with sweet exultation, sings its lullaby, while you sleep ..." - John Geddes Sleep is vital for our longevity, our physical and emotional ... more
What Is a Hormone? A hormone is a chemical messenger which moves through the bloodstream, potentially affecting every cell of the body. Different hormones are produced by different glands. They can ... more
If you are at a higher risk of breast cancer because of dense breasts, family history or use of the birth control pill or hormone replacement therapy, avoid red meat, ... more
Prayer heals us spiritually. Often we turn to prayer in times of crisis or illness. It helps us psychologically through difficult times, though it may not outwardly change a particular situation ... more
When the liver and/or gallbladder are imbalanced, physical and emotional signs can manifest in numerous ways in various body systems. Check off the symptoms that apply to you: Joint Problems: Joint ... more
Words are powerful! Words can heal or hurt, soothe or scar. Words can change the world, and often have. Words can be erased from a piece of paper or deleted ... more
Your immune system is your body's defense system. Its fundamental role is to protect the life of the body by distinguishing 'self' from 'non-self' and recognizing what needs to be ... more
A Toolkit for Managing a Diagnosis of Breast Cancer: Interviews with Thrivers You have just been diagnosed with breast cancer and you’re feeling helpless. You have a body that has let ... more