Breast Cancer and Selenium

Selenium sensitizes MCF-7 breast cancer cells to doxorubicin-induced apoptosis through modulation of phospho-Akt and its downstream substrates. Effect of selenium in combination with Adriamycin or Taxol on several different ... more

The Healthy Breast Seminar – Video

Learn about cancer prevention and care, maintaining healthy breasts for a lifetime, and caring about the environment. Dr. Sat Dharam Kaur educates and inspires women to be proactive and is ... more

Mindfulness, Cancer & Healing

Sat Dharam Kaur, N.D., author of "The Complete Natural Medicine Guide to Breast Cancer" interviews Shinzen Young, author of "Break Through Pain" and "The Science of Enlightenment" audio series - ... more

Strategies for Breast Cancer Prevention

An interview between Nancy Desjardins and Sat Dharam Kaur ND on strategies to prevent breast cancer, filmed in Owen Sound in Sept. 2010, in 6 parts.

Environmental Links to Breast Cancer

In this short segment, Naturopathic Doctor Sat Dharam Kaur briefly discusses the environmental links to breast cancer (radiation, toxic metals, environmental chemicals including pesticides, PCBs, solvents, organochlorines, phthalites, plastics and ... more

Yoga and Breast Cancer

A regular yoga practice can dramatically improve the health and well-being of women undergoing breast cancer treatment. Breast cancer treatment with chemotherapy and radiation often results in fatigue, decreased vitality and ... more

Survival, Psychological Outlook, and Meditation

The journey through breast cancer can be dramatically altered by how a woman interprets the experience. When the focus is on searching for positive opportunities, embracing change, and accepting growth, ... more

Support Groups and Breast Cancer

Support groups for women living with breast cancer can dramatically increase their lifespan and quality of life. The effect of psychosocial intervention on time of survival of 86 patients with metastatic breast ... more

Perillyl Alcohol and Breast Cancer

Perillyl alcohol, found in the essential oils of palmarosa and lavender, makes cancer cells more sensitive to the chemotherapy drug, cisplatin.  Perillyl alcohol activates tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 which ... more

Ursolic Acid and Breast Cancer

Ursolic acid causes apoptosis (cell death) in MCF-7 breast cancer cells, accompanied by a significant decrease in CyclinD1/CDK4 expression, which can be regulated by FoxM1.  FoxM1 orchestrates the transcription of ... more

Rosemary and Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths among women worldwide. Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) extract possesses antitumor properties against breast cancer cells, including those that are ER+, ER-, and HER2+. Rosemary extract significantly enhances the effect of chemotherapy (tamoxifen, trastuzumab, and ... more

Red Clover and Breast Cancer

A three-year study supports the growing evidence that treatment with red clover (Trifoliumn pretense) isoflavones is safe and well tolerated in healthy women. Supplements containing red clover isoflavones do not ... more

Indole-3-Carbinol, DIM and Breast Health

Indole-3-carbinol (I3C), a phytochemical derived from cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and Brussels sprouts decreases metastatic spread of breast cancer tumors in experimental animals. It activates the CYP1A2 enzyme in ... more

Indole-3-carbinol and Breast Health

A novel mechanism of indole-3-carbinol effects on breast carcinogenesis involves induction of Cdc25A degradation. 1-Benzyl-indole-3-carbinol is a novel indole-3-carbinol derivative with significantly enhanced potency of anti-proliferative and anti-estrogenic properties ... more

Essiac and Breast Cancer

Essiac has antioxidant activity and exhibits significant immunomodulatory effects, specifically through stimulation of granulocyte phagocytosis, increases in CD8+ cell activation, and moderately inhibiting inflammatory pathways. Essiac exhibits significant cell-specific cytotoxicity ... more

Corydalis and Curcumin and Breast Cancer

A traditional Chinese medicine formulation consisting of Rhizoma Corydalis and Rhizoma Curcumae exerts synergistic anti-tumor activity. Yanhusuo extract inhibits metastasis of breast cancer cells by modulating mitogen-activated protein kinase ... more

Breast Cancer and Vitamin D

Vitamin D is produced in the skin on exposure to sunlight. Known as the sunshine vitamin, it reduces risk of breast and colon cancer when our levels are adequate. Time spent ... more

Breast Cancer and Paw Paw

Extracts of paw paw (Asimina triloba, Annonaceae family) have strong anti-cancer activity. The paw paw is a small tree with edible fruit native to eastern North America. The annonaceous acetogenins ... more

Breast Cancer and Iodine

Fucoidan refers to a type of polysaccharide which contains substantial percentages of L-fucose and sulfate ester groups, mainly derived from brown seaweed. Brown seaweeds were found to prevent the binding ... more