Fresh Juices

Here are some fresh squeezed and healthy juice recipes.

Add spirulina, dulse powder and/or ground flaxseeds to your juices whenever possible.



Carrot and Apple Juice- Prepare ¾ lb. of cleaned carrots and one apple, peeled if it is not organic. Juice and drink slowly.

Carrot, Apple and Ginger Juice- Prepare 1 1/2 lbs. carrots, 2 large apples and 1-inch piece of ginger with some of the peel removed. Juice half of the carrots, the apples, the ginger, and finally the rest of the carrots to allow the flavors to blend.

Carrot, Apple, Cabbage, Broccoli Sprouts and Red Clover Sprouts- Combine ¾ lb. carrot, 1 apple, a 2 inch wedge of cabbage, ½ cup of broccoli sprouts and ½ cup of red clover sprouts. Juice and chew before you swallow.

Carrot, Beet and Celery Juice- Prepare ¾ lb. of carrots, ½ beet and 2 stalks of celery. Juice and drink slowly.

Carrot, Beet, Cabbage and Flaxseeds- Combine ¾ lb. carrot, 1 beet, a 2 inch wedge of cabbage and juice them. Add 1 tbsp freshly ground flaxseeds and stir. Chew before you swallow.

Carrot, Beet, Cabbage, Broccoli and Red Clover Sprouts, Garlic- Combine ¾ lb. carrot, a 2-inch wedge of cabbage, 1 cup of sprouts and 2 garlic cloves. Add ½ tsp dulse powder. Juice and enjoy.

Carrot, Cabbage and Apple Juice- Prepare ¾ lb. carrots, a 3-inch wedge of cabbage and a peeled apple. Add ¼ tsp dulse powder to the final juice.

Carrot, Cabbage and Beet Juice- Scrub or peel, if not organic, ¾ lb. of carrots, ½ beet and a 3 inch wedge of red or green cabbage. Juice and drink slowly.

Carrot, Celery, Parsley and Garlic Juice- Combine ¾ lb. carrot, 2 celery stalks, a handful of parsley and a garlic clove. Juice and sip slowly, chewing before you swallow.

Carrot, Cucumber, Beet and Cabbage Juice- Use ¾ lb. carrots, ½ beet, ½ cucumber and a 2-inch wedge of cabbage. Add ¼ tsp dulse powder. Juice and sip slowly.

Carrot, Spinach and Apple Juice- Carefully wash spinach, removing all dirt. Peel one apple and ¾ lb. carrot if they are not organic. Juice and enjoy.

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