Breast Cancer and Mushrooms


The medicinal mushrooms – maitake, shitake, reishi (Ganoderma), coriolus and oyster have anti-tumour and immune strengthening effects.

Maitake D-fraction caused regression or significant symptom improvement in 58.3 percent of liver cancer patients, 68.8 percent of breast cancer patients, and 62.5 percent of lung cancer patients.

The combination of reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) and green tea have a synergistic effect in suppressing the growth and invasiveness of metastatic breast cancer. The extracts from the stipes (stem) of the Ganoderma tsugae and wildly grown Ganoderma sinense inhibit cancer cell growth more strongly than other parts of the mushroom, while extracts from the stipes of Ganoderma lucidum and Ganoderma sinense showed strong immune enhancing effects on spleen lymphocytes.

Coriolus versicolor is able to cause cell death in various types of breast cancer cells.

Shitake mushrooms inhibit growth of breast cancer cells and improve quality of life and natural killer cell activity in patients undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer.

Oyster mushrooms inhibit both breast cancer and colon cancer tumour growth.

Edible mushrooms are a good source of protein, 200–250 g/kg of dry matter; leucine, valine, glutamine, glutamic and aspartic acids are the most abundant. Mushrooms are a good source of vitamins, with high levels of riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin, folates, and traces of vitamin C, B1, B12, D and E. Mushrooms are the only nonanimal food source that contains vitamin D and hence they are the only natural vitamin D ingredients for vegetarians. Wild mushrooms are generally excellent sources of vitamin D2, unlike cultivated ones; usually cultivated mushrooms are grown in darkness and UV-B light is needed to produce vitamin D2

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