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We would love to hear your Breast Story, and learn what helped you the most in your healing journey. What did you use in your toolkit? Was it music, yoga, meditation, a special friend, visualization ...?  Share it with us and we may feature it on our Healthy Breast website and Healthy Breast Program facebook page so that others may be inspired and benefit from your experience. Here are the specs:

  1. Write a 500-2000 word short essay, which we may edit. See here and here for examples of previous stories. Highlight one specific thing that was important for your healing.
  2. If you would like to submit a video of you telling your story, send us a youtube link (3-15 minutes)
  3. Submit a photo (headshot) of you
  4. Use your first name or full name
  5. Enter your email, which we will use to contact you if we publish your story. (We will not publish or share your email)
  6. Give us permission to publish your story on our website and social media

Upload your best image through imgur and then copy the URL into the text box below, or send us a link to one of your profile pictures on Facebook.