Here’s why it’s worth the effort.
To Care for the earth.
Bottled water contributes not only to unmindful consumption that depletes our natural resources, but often is flown from exotic locations and is commonly sold in plastic bottles.
To Care for your body.
Plastics contain toxic chemicals called xenoestrogens that mimic estrogen in the body and are disruptive to our hormonal balance. When plastic is heated the levels of chemicals released into the water rises exponentially.
To Care for your wallet.
Did you know that a simple carbon water filter is more cost effective and can do the same job as filtered water bought from the store? It also costs a lot less.
Lifestyle Tip:
Bring a reusable water bottle out with you that is made of non-toxic materials. Our favourites are Kleen Kanteen and the beautifully crafted S’Well bottle that also doubles as a thermos.