Be An Anti-Plastic Activist – Lead Your Community in Becoming Plastic-Free
Plastic Pollution Coalition is a global alliance of individuals, organizations, businesses and policymakers working toward a world free of plastic pollution and its toxic impact on humans, animals, the ocean and the environment.

Here is their guide to helping you make your town free of plastics: plastic-free
A part of the Plastic Pollution Coalition network of communities around the globe that seek to eliminate disposable plastic and to measurably reduce their overall plastic footprints. In partnership with local organizations, PPC follows three steps:
1. Audit of common sources of plastic pollution in the community. These sources vary significantly between geographies, but include plastic bottles, plastic bags, straws, cups, utensils and a stream of disposable plastic products, including polystyrene to-go cups and containers.
2. Evaluation and identification of viable, locally sourced alternatives to the sources of plastic pollution.
3. Develop a plan to reduce plastic pollution by incorporating a measurement and a reporting mechanism. These include community outreach and engagement, support for locally sourced, low-carbon footprint alternatives, and long-term monitoring.
Did you know that San Francisco banned plastic water bottles in Feb 2016?